The dose-response relationship for a particular compound may be influenced by exposure route. All of the following are major routes through which adults may be exposed to chemicals except __________.a. Inhalation b. Dermal exposure c. Cellular absorption d. Ingestion

Respuesta :

Option (A) is Right Answer


    (a) Inhalation

  • Exposure to endotoxin and to its cleansed derivative lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is identified with a few word-related pneumonic infections and to serious domestic asthma
  • Inhalation of a given portion of unadulterated LPS produces both a systemic and a bronchial inflammatory response
  • Data on the portion reaction relationship to breathed in LPS in ordinary subjects is essential to characterize the wellbeing edge of the introduction.  
  • The sensitive markers of LPS-initiated irritation being the blood PMNs check with their level of activation, the blood CRP concentration, and the sputum PMNs count