Respuesta :


a standard size Shani thing try Tuscon design retain watching we ftrtttttt5yu haha driving


1) 3 processes

2) 4 resource

3) R1-1




4) R2

5) R1

6) R1, R2

7) R3

8) R3

9) NO Resource

10) No there are multiple instances of some resources, and the resources get freed at the right time, and hence deadlock can not occur.


Remember the resources that are allocated are shown by allocation edge or the arrow pointing from resource to process. And the resource required by the process to complete is shown by request edge or arrow pointing from process to resource. Hence, the above answers. And resources are of two types: sharable and non-sharable, and sharable comes with multiple instances. In the case of the cycle, a deadlock might occur, and here there is a cycle. However, resources have multiple instances and also it can be seen that they get free to let other processes use them on time. And hence this RAG does not show a deadlock state.

See P3 uses R3 and set it free. Now P2 uses R3 and sets it free. R2 has multiple instances and enough. Hence, it gets freed. And P2 then used R1 and set it free, Now P1 uses R1 and set it free. And hence, deadlock does not occur.