At the inlet to the combustor of a supersonic combustion ramjet (or scramjet), the flow Mach number is supersonic. For a fuel-air mass ratio of .03 and a combustor exit temperature of 4800 degr, calculate the inlet Mach number above which the flow will be unchoked. Assume one- dimensional frictionless flow with y = 1.4, with heat release per slug of fuel equal to 4.5 x 108 ft-lbf. (Anderson 3.11) The temperatures for the above combustion problems are pretty high. A more representative value of the heat capacity ratio for products of combustion at these temperatures is y = 1.28 The value of the specific gas constant R may still be approximated as equal to that of air. b) For problem #2, calculate the inlet Mach number above which the flow will be unchoked, based on y = 1.28