1. Find the most appropriate technique from the ones listed on the right for the experimental tasks listed on the left. Each technique may be used only once. A. Microarrays B. In situ hybridization C. Use of reporter genes D. GFP-protein fusions E. Use of expression vectors F. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Respuesta :

Correct Answer is (C)


  (C) Use of reporter genes

  • Reporter gene A quality that is utilized to 'tag' another quality or DNA succession of interest, for example, an promoter
  • Expression of the correspondent is handily observed, and allows the function or whereabouts of the 'target' sequence to be tracked.It have a two type of reporter gene such as scorable reporter gene and selector gene
  • Scorable reporter gene - The gene have expression of this result in quantifiable  phenotype and easily detected through highly sensitive enzymes assays
  • Selector gene- The gene expression resistance to a toxin  and selection of tranformants from non tranformants in growth media containing selective agents