Describe a step-by-step strategy for how you will handle routine misbehavior in your classroom, including one related source or real-world example to support the use of your strategy.

Respuesta :


step1. Observation

step 2. Stopping the activity

step 3. Waiting for them to for some seconds

step4. Send them back to their seats

step 5. replay be telling them their misbehavious and how it  waste time affect learning

step 6. reteach

step 7. practice

step 8. prove it

step 9. standardize it


When i notice my student jumping on top of the table from one table to another, i will observe the act for few seconds and ask him or her to stop the act immediately. After some minutes, i will call the student the gravity of the what he did, how it can affect him in his studies.

i monitor him after the correcting has been made.