The term "Baroque" refers to a style of architecture that developed along with absolutist governments in seventeenth century Europe. Works of Baroque architecture were characterized by opulence and grandeur and were often commissioned by leaders wishing to gain support in the race to expand their influence in newly-discovered North and South America. Because of its role in this early form of nation-building, Baroque architecture can be considered as much a tool of propaganda as a form of artistic expression.If all of the statements above are true, which of the following can properly be inferred on the basis of them?• Architecture of the Baroque period often served the purpose of increasing political power.• Absolutist rulers spent much of their countries’ wealth on Baroque works constructed in North and South America.• Baroque architecture was the first artistic style to be inspired by a new form of government.• Older, less politically-influenced forms of architecture displayed little opulence or grandeur.• Architects of the Baroque period could be more rightly considered politicians than artists.How can we refer Baroque Architecture as Architecture of the Baroque period?