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Bottom-up processing refers to processing sensory information as it is coming in. In other words, if I flash a random picture on the screen, your eyes detect the features, your brain pieces it together, and you perceive a picture of an eagle. What you see is based only on the sensory information coming in. Bottom-up refers to the way it is built up from the smallest pieces of sensory information.

Top-down processing, on the other hand, refers to perception that is driven by cognition. Your brain applies what it knows and what it expects to perceive and fills in the blanks, so to speak.


Bottom-up processing is a process in feature analysis that occurs when individuals detect specific elements or features of a stimulus, combine the features into more complex forms, and then recognize the stimulus as a whole. Top-down processing occurs when individuals determine or recognize the stimulus as a whole, examine or analyze the features, and then recognize the individual elements. Both processes work together in order to interpret our environment.