The ticketing system at the airport is broken, and passengers have lined up to board the plane in the incorrect order. This line is represented in an ArrayList tickets in the AirLineTester class.
Devise a way to separate passengers into the correct boarding groups.
Currently, there is an AirlineTicket class that holds the information for each passengers ticket. They have a name, seat, row, and boarding group.
Use the TicketOrganizer class to help fix the order of passengers boarding. First, create a constructor that takes an ArrayList of AirLineTickets and copies it to a class variable ArrayList. Then, create a getTickets method to get the ArrayList of AirLineTickets.
In the TicketOrganizer class, create a method called printPassengersByBoardingGroup that prints out the name of the passengers organized by boarding group. The boarding groups go from 1-5, and have been predetermined for you. This should print the boarding group followed by all passengers in the group:
Boarding Group 1:
Passenger 2
Passenger 9
Passenger 11
Passenger 12
Boarding Group 2:
Passenger 4
Boarding Group 3:
Passenger 5
Passenger 6
Passenger 7
Passenger 8
Passenger 13
Boarding Group 4:
Passenger 14
Boarding Group 5:
Passenger 1
Passenger 3
Passenger 10
Passenger 15
You should also create a method named canBoardTogether which determines if passengers already in line in the tickets ArrayList can board with the people they are standing next to in line. If a passenger has the same row and boarding group as the person behind them, this method should print that those two passengers can board together. For instance if Passenger 11 and Passenger 12 are both in Row 3, and in Boarding Group 4, the method would print:
Passenger 11 can board with Passenger 12.
If there are no passengers that can board together, then it should print that out to the console.
The list of passengers you are going to be reorganizing has been created in the AirlineTicketTester.
Code below was given to be used and edited
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class AirlineTicketTester
public static void main(String[] args)
ArrayList tickets = new ArrayList();
//This creates a randomized list of passengers
for(AirlineTicket elem: tickets)
//This creates a TicketOrganizer object
TicketOrganizer ticketOrganizer = new TicketOrganizer(tickets);
//These are the methods of the ticketOrganizer in action
System.out.println("\nPassengers Ordered by Boarding Group:");
System.out.println("\nPassengers in line who can board together:");
//Do not touch this method! It is adding random passengers to the AirlineTicket array
public static void addPassengers(ArrayList tickets)
String[] seats = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
for(int index = 0; index< 15; index++)
int random = (int)(Math.random() * 5);
AirlineTicket ticket = new AirlineTicket("Passenger " + (index+1), seats[random], ((int)(Math.random()*5)+1), ((int)(Math.random()*8)+1));
public class TicketOrganizer
private ArrayList tickets;
public class AirlineTicket
private String[] seats = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};
private String name;
private String seat;
private int boardingGroup;
private int row;
public AirlineTicket(String name, String seat, int boardingGroup, int row)
{ = name;
{ = seat;
this.boardingGroup = boardingGroup;
this.row = row;
private boolean isValidSeat(String seat)
boolean isValidSeat = false;
for(String elem: seats)
isValidSeat = true;
return isValidSeat;
public String getSeat()
public String getName()
public int getBoardingGroup()
return this.boardingGroup;
public int getRow()
return this.row;
public String toString()
return name + " Seat: " +seat + " Row: " + row + " Boarding Group: " + boardingGroup;

Respuesta :


See explaination


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args)


ArrayList<AirlineTicket> tickets = new ArrayList<AirlineTicket>();

//This creates a randomized list of passengers


for(AirlineTicket elem: tickets)




//This creates a TicketOrganizer object

TicketOrganizer ticketOrganizer = new TicketOrganizer(tickets);

//These are the methods of the ticketOrganizer in action

System.out.println("\nPassengers Ordered by Boarding Group:");


System.out.println("\nPassengers in line who can board together:");



//Do not touch this method! It is adding random passengers to the AirlineTicket array

public static void addPassengers(ArrayList<AirlineTicket> tickets)


String[] seats = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};

for(int index = 0; index< 15; index++)


int random = (int)(Math.random() * 5);

AirlineTicket ticket = new AirlineTicket("Passenger " + (index+1), seats[random], ((int)(Math.random()*5)+1), ((int)(Math.random()*8)+1));





class TicketOrganizer


private ArrayList<AirlineTicket> tickets ;

//constructor with parameter as an arraylist of AirlineTicket

public TicketOrganizer(ArrayList<AirlineTicket> tickets)

{ = tickets;


//methhods to return the arraylist of airlines

public ArrayList<AirlineTicket> getTickets()

{ //re-organize the ticket first

ArrayList<AirlineTicket> tickets_organized = new ArrayList<AirlineTicket>();

for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)


for(AirlineTicket ticket: tickets)


if(ticket.getBoardingGroup() == i)






return tickets_organized;


//print the tickets based on boardingGroup

public void printPassengersByBoardingGroup()


int count = 0;

for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)


System.out.println("Boarding Group " + i + ":");

for(AirlineTicket ticket : tickets)


if(ticket.getBoardingGroup() == i)


System.out.println("Passenger " + ticket.getName());





//check if two persons can sit together

public void canBoardTogether()


for(int i=0; i<15; i++)


String str = "Passenger "+ (i + 1) +" can board with Passengers";

for(int j=i+1; j<14; j++)


boolean isRowEqual = tickets.get(i).getRow() == tickets.get(j).getRow();

boolean isBoardGroupEqual = tickets.get(i).getBoardingGroup() == tickets.get(j).getBoardingGroup();

//if one of them false, print the all added Passengers

if(!(isRowEqual && isBoardGroupEqual))


if(j != i+1)






str += " " + (j+1);





class AirlineTicket


private String[] seats = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"};

private String name;

private String seat;

private int boardingGroup;

private int row;

public AirlineTicket(String name, String seat, int boardingGroup, int row)

{ = name;


{ = seat;


this.boardingGroup = boardingGroup;

this.row = row;


private boolean isValidSeat(String seat)


boolean isValidSeat = false;

for(String elem: seats)




isValidSeat = true;



return isValidSeat;


public String getSeat()




public String getName()




public int getBoardingGroup()


return this.boardingGroup;


public int getRow()


return this.row;


public String toString()


return name + " Seat: " +seat + " Row: " + row + " Boarding Group: " + boardingGroup;

