If your employer offers a retirement plan, don’t participate in it. Don’t bother to set target dates for achieving your financial goals. Pay credit card balances in full each month. Start saving early in life and save throughout your life.

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If your employer offers a retirement plan, don’t participate in it. Yes.

Having a retirement plan with your employer especially one in which you are a 100% vested is a drain on your income. It might have benefits in future when you retire but if you want to engage in financial planning, you need to have access to every penny and that includes the money going to the retirement plan.

Don’t bother to set target dates for achieving your financial goals. No

Setting a target date for various amounts in your financial goals enables you to work towards them with more determination. It is important to set target dates.

Pay credit card balances in full each month. Yes

Paying your credit card balance in full every month helps you avoid interest accruing as well as increasing your credit score. It is therefore very important to pay off the balance in full every month which will be easier as long as you charge things to it that you can afford.

Start saving early in life and save throughout your life. Yes.

The more you save the more you have to invest. This is why you should start saving early if you want to engage in financial planning. You need to formulate the determination to save every time. And don't just save for saving's case, save to invest.