Relevant data provided
Forecast delivers for period 10
Alpha = 0.4
Beta = 0.2
Trend value = 4
Initial forecast = 200
For period 10 please look into the spreadsheet which has been attached which contains formulas and values.
Forecast including trends
The smoothed forecast is calculated below:
[tex]F_{t}=\alpha A_{t-1}+(1-\alpha )(F_{t-1}+T_{t-1})[/tex]
Smoothed trend formula is shown below:
[tex]T_{t}=\beta (F_{t}-F_{t-1})+(1-\beta )T_{t-1}[/tex]
Forecast including trend formula is calculated with the help of below formula:-
[tex]FIT_{t}= F_{t}+T_{t}[/tex]