Respuesta :


what this is asking is for you to show what sets the two political parties apart (for examples, their stances on the same situation or some of the motives that are found in this political party). in the center this asks you to find similarities; are there things that both parties strive for? one example I can think of off the top of my head for the differences is that the Republican party has, in history, been known for taking more "aggressive" stances as opposed to Democratic counterparts; but like the instructions say you need to cite internet sources. hope this helped!


Some topics that can help this is:

pro choice vs pro life: democrats generally want this to be legal, Republicans wants abortion to be illegal

Healthcare policy: Democrats support universal healthcare, Republicans want people to pay for private companies because they think it will run more efficiently

Immigration: Democrats overall support offering a pathway to citizenship to certain undocumented immigrants. Republicans are generally against amnesty for any  undocumented immigrants.

These are some ideas from the top of my head, hope this helps!!