Assume that you are a first-time driver and you are responsible for finding, obtaining, and paying for your own auto insurance. Put the following situations in the order you think they should or do occur. Number the situations 1-11, with “1” being the first event and “11” being the last event. Pay deductible. - Allow insurance company to view the damage. - Oops! I got into a fender bender. - Take driver’s education. - File a claim with your insurance company. - Buy auto insurance. - Receive valid insurance card from insurance company. 3. Finalize claim with your insurance companyFinalize claim with your insurance company. 1. Take and pass the driving test (get my driver’s license). - Exchange insurance information with the other driver. 2. Search for insurance (and be a smart insurance shopper!).

Respuesta :


1. Take driver’s education.

2. Take and pass the driving test (get my driver’s license).

3. Search for insurance (and be a smart insurance shopper!).

4. Buy auto insurance.

5. Receive valid insurance card from insurance company.

6. Oops! I got into a fender bender.

7. Exchange insurance information with the other driver.

8. File a claim with your insurance company.

9. Allow insurance company to view the damage.

10. Finalize claim with your insurance company

11. Pay deductible.


It's a good idea to have an insurance card before you get into an accident. In my experience, the last step in the process is to pay the deductible to the auto body shop at the point the repair is finished. Typically, they have already been in communication with the insurance company to obtain the rest of the payment.


In one accident I had, the "finalize claim" step was last, after the insurance company had sued the uninsured motorist for damages. There was an additional settlement after the step where I paid the deductible.