Identify four general properties that make an NSAID unique as compared to the NSAID aspirin. List specific properties that make aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen unique from one another

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NSAIDs are steroidal anti-inflammatories, their action is on the phospholipase A2 enzyme, this enzyme is responsible for breaking down the phospholipids of the membrane to trigger an inflammatory response. This is how steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit ALL inflammatory pathways (not like NSAIDs that they only inhibit the COX pathway).

These corticosteroid drugs cannot exceed the systemic mineralocorticoid value 1 in the body, since this corticosteroid hormone is also released by the adrenal cortex.

The NSAIDs generate: sporadic peaks in blood glucose, hypertension, fluid retention, increase in body fat mass, possible suppression of the adrenal cortex over time, inhibiting endogenous synthesis of corticosteroids.

On the other hand, naproxen and ibuprofen are NSAIDs, that is, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that do not influence both routes of inflammation, but only COX, this enzyme is abbreviated as COX but is called cyclooxygenase, and is responsible for a single route of inflammation.

NSAIDs such as naproxen and ibuprofen can cause gastric disorders such as ulcers or gastritis if they are consumed in a very repetitive manner.

In addition, both drugs are anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. Although its two main functions are the first two, it was shown to have an effect in lowering body temperature.

That they are anti-inflammatory means that they inhibit the path of inflammation and analgesics the path of pain.


Both types of drugs generate the same effect but by different mechanisms.

Some are steroids and others are not, although steroids are considered to have a greater risk of benefit that is why they are administered against more systematically compromised instances such as anaphylactic shock.

NSAIDs such as naproxen and ibuprofen are the most prescribed today, since they have few risks and very good benefits, meaning that their adverse effects are not lethal or highly relevant and have a good effect on symptoms.

Both must be administered with care when treating a diabetic patient since corticosteroids generate glycemic peaks or increase in blood glucose, and NSAIDs compete for plasma protein with oral hypoglycemic agents, thus generating that these are in higher free concentrations. high diffusing better through the tissues and increases the potency of the adverse effects of these.