God gave them to the Hebrews through a prophet named Moses.
What did the ancient Israelites believe about the Ten Commandments?
- God declared that the Israelites were his own people and that they must listen to God and obey His laws.
- These laws were the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses on two stone tablets, and they set out the basic principles that would govern the Israelites lives.
Did the Hebrews follow the Ten Commandments?
- Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah.
- The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.
How were the Ten Commandments received?
- According to the book of Exodus in the Torah, the Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai and inscribed by the finger of God on two tablets of stone kept in the Ark of the Covenant.
Who received the Ten Commandments?
- The Ten Commandments are a list of religious precepts that, according to passages in Exodus and Deuteronomy, were divinely revealed to Moses by Yahweh and engraved on two stone tablets.
- They are also called the Decalogue.
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