Did you know that crayons have been around for thousands of years? Well, not crayons, exactly. Prehistoric people, however, did use special sticks to make colorful drawings. About two million years ago, humans did all their work with stone tools. This period in prehistory is called the Stone Age. People during this time were either hunters or gatherers . Hunters went out and fished or hunted for large animals to eat. Gatherers were in charge of collecting vegetables and plants. Hunting and gathering took up a lot of time, but these prehistoric humans still had time for art. Stone Age people created beautiful pictures on cave walls. Most of these images were of animals. Maybe a hunter was drawing about the animal he caught. Maybe a gatherer was recording what she ate the day before. These pictures could even have been a prehistoric shopping list! No one is exactly sure what the drawings were for. What do you think? QUESTION What would a hunter be more likely to bring home? A Berries B A catfish C A cricket D Bananas