Here is an answer that isn't plagiarized:
There are several ways to produce skilled human resources. Education would be the top way to produce skilled workers. This can be accomplished through trade schools, colleges, or on the job training. Another way would be to provide public forums and training so that those that can't afford higher education can learn about, and how to use new technology or other skills.
Let's look further into a few of these. Higher education is an obvious way to produce skilled workers, but one way companies produce educated individuals in through on the job training. After an individual is hired, the company can train them in a way that would best suit the companies needs. Many companies also have programs so their employees can further their education by going to conferences, specialized training, or even college courses.
Providing public education in technology will help the general public learn, and advance their skills. They could possibly apply it to a new job, or, at a minimum, would make the population more educated as a whole.
We as a society also need to address behaviors towards education. We should not look down on trade schools, or those that don't continue education after high school. It is important, however, to make sure people have the tools necessary have access to knowledge, and not just general information, but quality information from reputable sources.