For each of the following, identify the thesis, and two examples of bias. For
each example of bias, give the type and describe why it is that type. Also,
identify if the article has a negative or positive view of the crowds.
Several Newspaper Accounts of President Andrew Jackson's First Inauguration
The Daily National Intelligencer, Washington, D.C., March 4, 1829
The inauguration of the new President is to take place to-day at the Capitol. There will be
no military array upon the occasion, but such as is voluntary. A vast assembly of the
People, however, from every part of the country, will attend the ceremony. There is to be a
Ball in honor of the occasion, in the evening, at Carusi's Assembly Rooms. The great
concourse of strangers in the city, at this season, has attracted hither a proportionate
number of those who live by depredations upon society. As a caution to others, it may be
useful information, that a gentleman from one of the Southern States had his pocket picked,
in the Theatre last night, of a pochet-book containing eight hundred dollars; and we should
not be surprised to learn that others than he were equally unfortunate.

For each of the following identify the thesis and two examples of bias For each example of bias give the type and describe why it is that type Also identify if class=