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Imperialism is when one country takes control of another country possibly by controlling the other country's government, trade, or culture. The height of modern imperialism was between
1870 and 1914.
When did imperialism begin?
Modern imperialism reached its height between 1870 and 1914 when the controlling empires grew so strong.
What countries were involved with imperialism?
France, Germany, and Great Britain, known as the great powers of Europe, Japan, and the United States controlled almost the entire world by imperialism.
How did they enter the countries, handle resistance, and become more involved?
European governments like France, Germany, and Great Britain did not plan their imperialism and these nations entered the countries when their merchants or explorers went to these foreign lands. If the Europeans were not welcome and faced resistance, the European soldiers would arrive to protect their citizens and show their power. Eventually, to become more involved, engineers and builders would come and open mines, build roads, and make other improvements. The area would become developed for the benefit of the Europeans and the local people had little say.
Settlement Colonies
large groups of people from one country living together in a new place. One settlement colony of Great Britain (prisoners) was Australia.
Dependent Colonies
Colonies in which a few officials from one country (usually Europe) rule (non-European) people of another country. India was a dependent colony of Great Britain.
Colonies in which the native rulers keep their titles, but officials of the foreign power actually control the regions.
Spheres of Influence
Areas in which one country has a special interest, and other nations agree to respect the interest.
What were the similarities among the four ways imperialists controlled their colonies?
The controlling empire's government had power over the people living in the colony, no matter what degree of freedom the granted the people living in the colony or how much they influenced them.
Each of these types of colony was controlled by a European nation.
What were the differences among the four ways imperialists controlled their colonies?
Each of these colonies had different degrees of freedom and consisted of different people. In settlement colonies, where the settlers were citizens of the controlling European nation, they had more power than the non-European locals living in dependent colonies. Protectorates were similar to dependent colonies because the Europeans controlled the area but the local people still lived there and kept their ruler. In spheres of influence, the controlling colony didn't have as much control because they only had an interest in an area and didn't control it yet.
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