There are 431 full-service restaurants in Alaska. The mean number of seats per restaurant is 77.9.

Suppose that the true population mean µ = 77.9 and standard deviation Ï = 20 are unknown to the Alaska tourism board. They select a simple random sample of 50 full-service restaurants located within the state to estimate µ. The mean number of seats per restaurant in the sample is M = 82.1, with a sample standard deviation of s = 18.6. The standard deviation of the distribution of sample means (that is, the standard error, Ï MM ) is:_________ . (Note: Although µ and Ï are unknown to the Alaska tourism board, they are known to you for the purposes of calculating these answers.)

The standard or typical average difference between the mean number of seats in the 431 full-service restaurants in Alaska (µ = 77.9) and one randomly selected full-service restaurant in Alaska is___________ . The standard or typical average difference between the mean number of seats in the sample of 50 restaurants (M= 82.1) and one randomly selected restaurant in that sample is __________