Respuesta :

 I  play, appropriately, BEGIN. With the N on the little pink star. Twenty-two points.

    She plays JINXED, with the J on a double-letter score. 30 points. She's beating me already. . I start chewing on my U. It's a bad habit, I know. All the letters are frayed. I play WARMER for 22 points, mainly so I can keep chewing on my U.

    As I'm picking new letters from the bag, I find myself thinking - the letters will tell me what to do.


    She plays SWEATIER, using all her letters. 24 points plus a 50 point bonus.

    I am getting sweatier. It needs to rain, to clear the air. As soon as that thought crosses my mind, I find a good word. HUMID on a double-word score, using the D of JINXED. The U makes a little splash of saliva when I put it down. Another 22 points. I hope she has lousy let. She plays FAN, with the F on a double-letter, and gets up to fill the kettle and turn on the air conditioning.

 I play ZAPS, with the Z doubled, and she gets a static shock off the air conditioning unit. I find this remarkably satisfying.

    She plays READY on a double-word for 18 points, then goes to pour herself a cup of tea. No I do not want one.

    I steal a blank tile from the letter bag when she's not looking, and throw back a V from my rack. She gives me a suspicious look. She sits back down with her cup of tea, making a cup-ring on the table, as I play an 8-letter word: CHEATING, using the A of READY. 64 points, including the 50-point bonus, which means I'm beating her now.

She plays IGNORE on the triple-word for 21 points. The score is 153 to her, 155 to me. .

    I spot a chance to use all my letters. EXPLODES, using the X of JINXED. 72 points. That'll show her.

    As I put the last letter down, there is a deafening bang and the air conditioning unit fails.

 And before, I played the word CHEATING when I cheated. And ZAP when my wife got the electric shock. The words are coming true. The letters are choosing their future. The whole game is - JINXED.

    My wife plays SIGN, with the N on a triple-letter, for 10 points.   I have to play something and see if it happens. Something unlikely, to prove that the letters are making it happen. My rack is ABQYFWE. That doesn't leave me with a lot of options. I start frantically chewing on the B.

    I play FLY, using the L of EXPLODES. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes, waiting for the sensation of rising up from my chair. Waiting to fly.

    Stupid. I open my eyes, and there's a fly. An insect, buzzing around above the Scrabble board, surfing the thermals from the tepid cup of tea. That proves nothing. The fly could have been there anyway.

    I need to play something unambiguous. Something that cannot be misinterpreted. Something absolute and final. Something terminal. Something murderous.

    My wife plays CAUTION, using a blank tile for the N. 18 points.

    My rack is AQWEUK, plus the B in my mouth. I am awed by the power of the letters, and frustrated that I cannot wield it. Maybe I should cheat again, and pick out the letters I need to spell SLASH

    I play QUAKE for 19 points.

    My wife plays  for 34 points, just as the room starts to shake.

    I gasp with surprise and vindication - and the B that I was chewing on gets lodged in my throat. I try to cough. My face goes red, then blue. My throat swells. The earthquake builds to a climax.

    I fall to the floor. My wife just sits there, watching.