Respuesta :
I agree because Climate variability is part of nature, of course - man-made climate change does not "impress" by how much the climate is changing, but how fast this happens. In general, in the end it does not matter why all this happens, because the fact that we are in urgent need to adapt to the effects remains!
First side: I agree that humans have caused climate change because let's say for an example I want to build a nice cozy village in the woods, I take up half of the woods for my houses and town halls, etc.) NOw think about the animals, the animals now don't have homes so they go to another place, let's say that place they go to wasn't crowded before but now all these animals are in the same place, now the animals have to little space, therefore taking up more food, less water, more fighting. Now all these animals they don't change the climate but the area that lives with them does.
Second side: I disagree that humans have caused climate change because we don't do anything the weather and climate does. LIke for example we can't cause rain and lighting or thunder, we can only predict it/sometimes not even that. In conclusion humans don't cause climate change.