
72 points Everything is sales, whether we are convincing our parents to take us to a movie, asking a teacher for a second chance on a quiz, or asking someone to hang out. Negotiation is one of the most important life skills that you will need in your career, job, or college life.

Michael Mamas wrote an article, "5 Steps To Master the Art of Negotiation," on entrepreneur.com. His points are:

1. Establish the relationship.

2. Choose "honey over vinegar."

3. Focus on the win-win.

4. Embody your inner adult.

5. Respect the rhythm of the relationship.

Choose one of the points, and articulate what it means to you in the art of negotiation. Use imagery, detail, and even an example where the point would help. How would it help in negotiations? Demonstrate understanding of figurative nuances, any nuances in word meanings, and word relationships to negotiating.

Respuesta :

i chose honey over vinegar you’ll do better with honey than with vinegar -- but the honey must be genuine. Never underestimate the natural ability of other people to sense who you really are. Disingenuous, manipulative and secretive are feelings that simply cannot be hidden.

When negotiating, you too can sense if the other party's values are subpar or lack integrity altogether. No greater red flag exists in the entire arena of negotiation.