
As we mentioned in the nearpod, we are choosing to write our introductions from a
general to a narrow format. We outlined the following method of how to go from general
to narrow with our topic. Now you will write the different elements of your introduction.
General - Superheroes
Real life superheroes
Who is your person and some background information about them
Generally why they are important
Narrow - Thesis Statement
Be sure when writing your ideas flow from one idea to the next.
1 interesting sentence about superheroes - Grab our attention
Real life superheroes have the ability to make a difference in the world, think about it,
what would be the strength of a real life superhero needed to make a difference in the
1 sentence transition to real-life superheroes
A supper hero is usually known for having super powers like flying or super strength.
They make a difference in the world just like real life superheroes.
2-3 sentences who your person is/background
Raoul Wallenburg worked as a businessman and diplomat.
Raoul Wallenburg was a real life superhero that saved a lot of jews in World War II.
In Raoulis life long works against racism and poverty in South Africa.