what is A first sentence in this poem that focuses on TAG and the main idea or point of the reading
There were no markets in Watts.
There were these small corner stores
we called marketas
who charged more money
for cheaper goods than what existed
in other parts of town.
The owners were often thieves in white coats
who talked to you like animals,
who knew you had no options;
who knew Watts was the preferred landfill
of the city.
One time, Mama started an argument
at the cash register.
In her broken English,
speaking with her hands,
she had us children stand around her
as she fought with her grocer
on prices & quality & dignity.
Mama became a woman swept
by a sobering madness;
she must have been what Moses saw
in the burning bush,
a pillar of fi re
consuming the still air
that reeked of overripe fruit
and bad meat from the frozen food
She refused to leave
until the owner called the police.
Th e police came and argued too,
but Mama wouldn’t stop.
They pulled her into the parking lot,
called her crazy …
and then Mama showed them crazy!
They didn’t know what to do
but let her go, and Mama took us children
back toward home, tired of being tired.