Read a news story about religious conflict somewhere in the world. Do some research to determine the history behind the conflict.????????????????????????????????????

Respuesta :

The Crusades was a series of religious wars between the 11th and 16th centuries and was sanctioned by the Latin Church. Pope Urban II plead to have war against the Muslim forces in the Holy Land. Campaigns were conducted in the East Mediterranean with the aim of capturing Jerusalem from Islamic rule during that time. 


The Israeli-Palestinian conflict started in the mid-20th century, a conflict that has various attempts to be solved. Sense then, the world has named the conflict: "most intractable conflict”.Many attempts have been made to broker a two-state-solution, making Palestinian its own state along side of Israel.In 2007, the majority of both Palestinians and Israelis voted to split into two states, seeing as it would resolve the conflict. The main problems( That i’ll be talking about) fall under two main conflicts, resources and territory. The things which fall under resource are: water source, energy, and means of transporting. Things which fall under territory are: borders and holy places. The Palestinians want to have more control over Israel, for instance, they want control of Israelite settlements. They also want more land than the Israelite's are willing to hand over. Now, the water source is also an issue with territory just as much as resources.Because,the water source comes from the rivers,lakes, and underground.