To convert the improper fraction into mixed fraction multiply the denominator and whole number, then add the numerator.
Example - Marcus is 5 7/24 feet tall Ben is 5 5/16 feet tall which of the two boys is taller?
As stated above Marcus is 5 7/24 feet tall and Ben is 5 5/16 feet tall. To see which of the two boys is taller we have to convert the mixed fraction into an Improper fraction. To convert the improper fraction multiply the denominator and whole number, then add the numerator.
5 7/24 : To convert the mixed fraction multiply the denominator and whole number, then add the numerator.
Therefore 24 * 7 + 5 = improper fraction
5 5/16 : To convert the mixed fraction multiply the denominator and whole number, then add the numerator.
Therefore 16 * 5 + 5 = improper fraction
Improper fraction : 5 5/16 = 85/16
Improper fraction : 5 7/24 = 127/24
Ben is taller : 5 7/24