The following chart presents the number of new and abandoned hazardous waste sites found in various regions in the United States by the 1990s.
A bar graph titled U S Hazardous Waste Sites by Region has region on the x-axis, and number of hazardous sites on the y-axis, from 0 to 350 in increments of 70. New England, 75; Mid-Atlantic, 290; N E Central, 220; N W Central, 100; S Atlantic, 170; S E Central, 45; S W Central, 50; Mountain, 65; Pacific, 150.
Based on this data, in which four regions would you advise someone to live? Which would be the safest for someone to live?
SE Central, SW Central, Mountain, and New England
Mid-Atlantic, NE Central, NW Central, and S. Atlantic
Mid-Atlantic, NE Central, S. Atlantic, and Pacific
NW Central, New England, Pacific, and S. Atlantic