Respuesta :
The picture is completely blank for me, could you comment what it says plz?
Change all words from singular to plural or from plural to singular and translate the new phrase
1. multa philosophia/many philosophy
2. Sententiīs meīs/ my sentences
3. Nauta errat./Sailor makes mistakes.
4. Patriārum antīquārum/ old country
5. Poetae laudant/ poet praise
Change one of the nominative nouns to genitive to create a meaningful phrase and
translate it.
EX: Puella fortūna > fortūna puellae (the girl’s fortune) NOT puella fortūnae (the
fortune’s girl) which makes no sense.
1. Fāma patria/rumor country/country rumor
2. Rosa fōrma/rose forma/forma rose
3. Sententia puella/felling girls/girls felling
4. Nauta pecūnia/sailor money/money sailor
5. Vīta poeta/ life of the poet/poet the of life