Respuesta :
Boys: they act happy, pull there hair, punch things
girls: they scream, they talk to there friends about it, they cry and or sleep
of men feel this way.
• Women are more likely than men to report using a
multitude of strategies including reading (51 percent vs.
32 percent), spending time with family or friends (44
percent vs. 32 percent), praying (41 percent vs. 22 percent),
going to religious services (24 percent vs. 17 percent),
shopping (18 percent vs. 10 percent), getting a massage
or visiting a spa (14 percent vs. 5 percent) and seeing a
mental health professional (5 percent vs. 1 percent) to
manage stress.
• On the other hand, men are more likely to report relying
on playing sports as a stress management technique
(14 percent vs. 4 percent).
• When it comes to the things they report as important and
how well they are doing achieving them, women see a
larger gap in their own performance than men do:
□ Getting enough sleep, 40 percentage point gap for
women vs. 24 percentage point gap for men;
□ Being physically active or fit, 33 percentage point gap
for women vs. 21 percentage point gap for men; and
□ Managing stress, 33 percentage point gap for women
vs. 17 point gap for men.