In a paragraph provide a satisfying conclusion to your narrative—help your readers understand why it was important, about Arlington National Cemetery, memorial day service.
Here is what I have so far: If you ever want to experience something heartfelt and memorable, Arlington National Cemetery, memorial day service should be a event that everyone should be apart of, at least once in their life. It supports the love of our country, and our gratitude for our military. Our military forces have done so much for us, it only seems right that we do something for them. The memorial is just one of many ways, to thank the fallen military. All military personal do not deserve to be treated the way they are being treated now. First, you get to the cemetery. Then, you make your way to the amphitheater. Military and political officials arrive at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The President places a new wreath on the Tomb. After that, they do the changing of the guard. Everyone moves over to the memorial amphitheater. Addresses are made by the President, military and political officials to honor the fallen military personal. The military band preforms before, during and after the addresses.