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Answer:Edhesive 2.10 Solution
1 ) cell ( muscle cell ) compared with transistor ( bipolar junction transistor ) : cells are basic and
primary blocks for living beings. they help human body to provide structure, similarly in case of
computer system the transistor also does the same, which helps the computer is a
semicondutor and provide amilifications to electric power. transistor are the primary source for
all the system, which helps to structure and widely used in applications, as MOS transitor is also
the building block of modern system.
2) tissue ( muscle tissue ) compared with the logic gate ( AND gate ) : tissue ( muscle tissue) in
human body, is one type of tissue, which give rise to muscles, which rise and decline, which
depends totally on the body, as this tissue is also responsible for our movement and working,
similarly in logic gate ( AND gate) is an important chip in computer, which has the capability to
being LOW and HIGH both. like if we see the truth table of the AND gate, the output will be high
only and only if, both the inputs are high, otherwise low. if any one of the inputs is low,
irrespective of the other input the output will be low too, which is same likewise tissue, have the
capability to rise and contract.
3) organ ( heart ) compared with the IC ( integrated circuit) : organ ( heart ) is the most vital and
primary part of a human body, which keeps us alive, it's the main component and organ to keep
a human alive, which pumps the blood through blood vessels, similarly the IC ( integrated circuit
) they are generally microscopic in size, and they are heart and the brain for most modern
system, it helps to perform as an amplifier, oscillator, timer etc. they are usually made up of
silicon, they only work on the values of zero's and one's.
4) organ system ( circulatory) compared with hardware component ( random access memory) :
in the circulatory system, its a constant ongoing process, where we have stomach, liver etc,
which helps to to digest what we eat, and they dispose the waste through urine, similarly the
hardware component ( random access memory ) is a kind of chip, where we do all day work,
from multitasking heavy loads of work, where RAM helps and gives the field to do all the work,
and once after all the work is done, it gets reset, and again blank, just like our circulatory
process, its a constant process in a loop.
5) organism (human) compared with computer system (laptop) : we are human beings, we
consist of all the organs, that need to keep us moving and alive, and we human from outside are
structure of it, similarly, compuet system ( laptop is just the structure and just we what we see
from outside, but the electronic components which are inside the laptop are the main reason
behind all the work we are being able to do in the sytem.