Respuesta :

Safety · System · Speed · Stability · Space · Smoothness · Sparkle.


The 6 S's of safe backing in the correct order is given as:

  1. Sweep
  2. Seatbelt
  3. Situate
  4. Scan
  5. Swivel
  6. Stop


The above S's are actions to be performed to ensure safety whilst backing.

Backing in this sense simply means driving backward or doing a reverse with a car.

When backing it is important to turn the head backward in order to see the behind the vehicle as one reverses the car. Mirrors are helpful but should not be depended on solely.

There are vehicles that have drive assist cameras to assist with backing. They trigger sensors that given an alarm when the car comes too close to an object or a person.

For more about backing please see the following link:
