Indirects statements! If anyone knows the answers I need to know ASAP!! please

16. Eucleides dicit sē epistulam confecisse.
a) has finished
b) had finished
c) has been finished

17. Cornelia putavit pueros diligenter non laborāre.
a) work
b) were working
c) will work

18. Speravimus Comēliam mox redituram esse.
a) returned b) would return
c) will return

19. Aurelia scivit Comēlium ad Curiam heri ivisse.
a) had gone
b) went
c) will go

20. Eucleldes sciēbat pueros sibi non parēre.
a) obey
b) had obeyed
c) were obeying

Respuesta :




a) has finished

b) had finished

c) has been finished

17. Cornelia putavit pueros diligenter non laborāre.

a) work

b) were working

c) will work

18. Speravimus Comēliam mox redituram esse.

a) returned b) would return

c) will return

19. Aurelia scivit Comēlium ad Curiam heri ivisse.

a) had gone

b) went

c) will go

20. Eucleldes sciēbat pueros sibi non parēre.

a) obey

b) had obeyed

c) were obeying





Comēlium ad Curiam heri ivisse.

a) had gone

b) went

c) will go

20. Eucleldes sciēbat pueros sibi non parēre.

a) obey

b) had obeyed

c) were obeying