2. What Seattle craft company supports the people of Rwanda and how does it
empower women?

3. What is fair trade?

4. What are
common myths about fair trade and what is the reality of each myth?

5. In 2008, what fair trade sector grew 112%? 94%? 14%?

Respuesta :



#2:  Rwanda Girls Initiative fights poverty, inequity, and other ills in order to empower women and address the problem of imbalance.

#3: Simply put, its when producers in developing countries are paid a fair price for their work, by companies in developed countries. Fair trade was created as an alternative way of doing trade.

#4: (Look Down↓ :D )

Myth 1. Fair Trade is about paying developed world wages in the developing world.

Myth 2. Fair Trade siphons off American or European jobs (or any developed country) to other countries.

Myth 3. Fair Trade is anti-globalization.

End of Myth's :)

#5: (Look Down↓ :D )

For 112% the answer is Tea.

For 94% the answer is Cotton.

For 14% the answer is Coffee.


Hope all of this helps!

Yours truly,
