Jeff conducted an experiment to see what materials a plant needs to grow. He planted two lima beans in two separate containers with soil. He wrote about his findings below. Claim: Lima beans get the materials they need mostly from water, not soil. Evidence Reasoning I added 60ml of water to each plant every other day I did not use fertilizer. Plant 1 1 3 Day 5 7 9 Mass of Soil (in grams) 500 500 500 498 497 Mass of Plant (in grams) 1.5 2.3 3.4 50 72 Plant 2 3 5 7 Day Mass of Soil (in grams) 500 500 499 499 497 4.7 7.0 Mass of Plant (in grams) 12 20 3.1 How could Jeff use his evidence to support his claim?

its science btw​