why does my teacher say hi to everyone but me?
is this a sign that she hates me?
i don't even talk to anyone at school

Respuesta :


Ps quizas tu no le caes bien a tu maestra/o

No lo se

Gracias por los pts :)


Yeah, I can see that from my prospective as well. I considerably don’t like it when that happens when it comes to my teacher. I felt the same thing as you do, my teacher always had said hello and read other people’s messages from g0.ogle classroom. But when it came to my case, she decided to ignore me and another person copied the same idea from me and she said congrats to that individual. I can tell where you’re coming from. I don’t necess.arily talk to anyone else at school too, like in school it’s really hard to participate but once you may get the hang of it it’ll be easier. For now just do the assignments lately and let your teacher know you have done that.