Money management includes effective tax planning. Your financial plan should include ways to lower your tax liability so you have more money to spend, invest, or donate. The key to effective tax planning is to reduce your taxable income, rather than your gross income, through all appropriate and legally available opportunities.

The act of reducing taxes in ways that are legal and compatible with the intent of Congress is called:______

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Tax Avoidance


A Tax is simply a compulsory payment to a local, state, or national government. It is a source of Revenue to government.

Tax Avoidance is defined as an action that an individual embark on to lreduce tax and maximize after tax income. That is to lessen one's tax liability within the limit set up by law.

In case of tax reduction or minimisation for an individual, one must;

1. Know that the arrangement is usually in the beginning of the business rather than in the course of it.

2. There must be sound commercial reasons for the arrangement.

3. Limit tax by exercising choices provided for in the Act and do not use these choices out of the manner listed by parliament. e.t.c