This passage contains many grammatical errors.
Which sentence contains a homonym mistake?
1 Normandy, France is a beautiful place. 2 Normandys beaches
and surrounding areas are peaceful and breathtakingly lovely. 3
The city today could make anyone forget what transpired their
over sixty years ago. 4 I visit Normandy on the sixtieth
anniversary of the Normandy Invasion. 5 I stand in the american
cemetery on a hill above the beach, thousands of American
soldiers perished just below this hill. 6 Many were buried within a
short distance of wear they fell. 7 Their gravestones reveal their
extreme youth, they lived such short lives, some only eighteen or
nineteen when they died. 8 The graves in neat rows, the green
grass, and the beautiful flowers belie the chaos that transpired
during the Normandy Invasion. 9 To stand there in the
peacefulness and beauty now makes the soldiers sacrifice all the
more poignant and profound.