Una de las causas del humo es los incendios. Los incendios en los bosques son muy peligrosos. Los incendios pueden causar daños a los animales, daños a las personas y daños a la propiedad. Un incendio en un bosque puede causar hasta avalanchas si llueve mucho después de un incendio.

Based on the reading, what could cause the last natural disaster mentioned in the text?

Heavy rain

Respuesta :

Heavy rain is the answer.

Based on the reading, heavy rains could cause the last natural disaster mentioned in the text.

What does 'heavy rain' mean?

The expression 'heavy rain' can be translated to Spanish as 'llueve mucho' according to the text above.

  • Heavy rains refer to conspicuous and sudden precipitations that may lead to produce landslides.

  • Heavy rains are one of the most common and devastating natural disasters in certain regions in Latin America.

In conclusion, heavy rains could cause the last natural disaster mentioned in the text.

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