Respuesta :

because I am heavier than air
That depends on what you are not floating in.

-- If you are not floating in water, then either you are not IN water at all,
or else you are in water and your density is greater than 1 gram/cm². 
In the latter event, you are sinking like the proverbial stone, and headed
straight for Davy Jones' locker without passing GO or collecting $200.

-- If you are in air but not floating in it, then likewise, your aggregate
density is greater than that of the air around you.  This is quite definitely
the case if you are any more dense than a balloon full of hot air.

-- If you are not floating lazily away from the Earth's surface, but rather
standing or lying upon it, then the gravitational forces of attraction between
you and the Earth are obviously zero.  We must conclude that you are the
most successful Weight Watchers customer of all time, because your mass
is exactly zero.