Homeostasis is an organism's attempt to maintain a stable unchanging interior environment despite external influences. High levels of glucose in the blood affects the homeostasis of a human, as a response insulin is secreted from the pancreas into the bloodstream and directly to organs (mainly the liver). Insulin receptors are cell membrane bound protein receptors, when the insulin receptors are fully functioning insulin will bind to the insulin receptors, this binding sets off a very complex reaction within the cell that will make the cell take actions to reduce the blood-glucose levels. If the insulin receptors are faulty the insulin will never bind to cells and set off these reactions, therefore the blood glucose level will remain high. A high blood glucose level is dangerous and will result in hyperglycemia and death if untreated. Diabetes is not normally caused by faulty insulin receptors although the body would react very similarly to a diabetes patient if the insulin receptors were faulty.
I can go into more detail if you wish.