Find a highly experimental novel. (One type is Boom Fiction from Latin America. Some examples are Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch, Guillermo Cabrera Infante's Three Trapped Tigers, Manuel Puig's Kiss of the Spider Woman, or Luis Rafael Sanchez's Macho Comacho's Beat. Or, try a more well known novel like James Joyce’s Finnegan's Wake or John Garth's Goat Boy.) Read the first and last pages from it, plus at least five other pages of your choice. Describe how it is different from a more traditional novel.

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One similarity between both visions of writing is that they both look to explain the human problem. Tolstoy once said that "All writing tries to answer two basic inquiries: Who are we and How might we live?" These two main thrusts are available in current and conventional writing. Another basic purpose of correlation in both types of writing is the examination of human activity and the intricacy that exists in it.  Traditional literature has a tendency to take after set traditions when it in some cases spoofs those traditions, like the epic or poem or letter. Modern literature now and then stirs up the traditions in exceptionally sudden ways