1. Is it possible for the ball to move so quickly that the angle between the cable and vertical post stays at ninety degrees?
2. When the ball is moving in a horizontal circle, what vertical force (or component) balances gravity?
3. What happens to the centripetal force as the length of the cord increases?

Respuesta :


Tetherball is an interesting game in which two players tries to hit the ball hard so that it goes around the

pole.Each time the player hits the ball, it's orbit rises higher off the ground.Let's understand the physics

behind this.The motion of a tetherball is governed by two forces.These two forces combine to generate a

net force, i.e. centripetal force.If the ball is moving more quickly, it requires a greater centripetal force,

which in turn requires a greater tension force.Since the ball's weight hasn't changed, the angle of the

tension force changes until the ball is in vertical equilibrium.

To access this physics simulation visit: http://goo.gl/xVdwgO Page 02Exploration Series www.ck12.org

Ball Mass : This slider controls the mass of the ball. A ball with more mass will have more inertia, requiring

a greater net force to accelerate it. A ball with more mass will ALSO have a greater gravitational force

acting on it. Watch both of these effects occur when you manipulate this slider.

Cable Length : This slider controls the length of the cable. A longer cable is capable of allowing a greater

circular radius of motion for the ball. It is important to remember that the radius of the circular motion is

NOT equal to the length of the cable. Instead, if you want to understand the size of the circle of the ball's

motion, ignore the cable and just imagine the path of the ball.

Ball Speed : This slider controls the speed of the ball - imagine a kid just hit the ball and it sped up. A ball

moving more quickly is also accelerating more quickly because its velocity is changing as it moves in a

circle (remember that changes in DIRECTION of velocity 'count' as changes to velocity).

Force Diagram : This allows you to turn on or off the diagram of the forces acting on the ball. Look for the

ball to be in vertical force balance, which means the vertical component of tension is canceled by the

gravitational force. The ball should NOT be in horizontal force balance - it is accelerating towards the center

of the circle! It is important to note that this free body diagram should really be moving with the ball so that

To access this physics simulation visit: http://goo.gl/xVdwgO Page 03Exploration Series www.ck12.org

the tension force always points along the cord - we are just showing the forces at the moment the ball is at

the furthest-right on this screen.

Centripetal force vs Tetherball speed : This is a plot of centripetal force required to keep the ball in

circular orbit about the pole as a function of its speed. As expected, a more quickly-moving ball is changing

in velocity more often in a given amount of time, and so is accelerating more. This greater (centripetal, or

center-pointing) acceleration requires a greater net force.
