) A regenerative vapor power cycle has three turbine stages with steam entering the first stage at 2500 lbf/in2 , 1100 o F. The cycle has two feedwater heaters, a closed feedwater heater using extracted steam at 500 lbf/in2 and an open feedwater heater operating at 50 lbf/in2 . Saturated liquid condensate drains from the closed feedwater heater at 500 lbf/in2 and passes through a trap into the open heater. The feedwater leaves the closed heater at 2500 lbf/in2, 478 o F. Saturated liquid leaves the open heater at 50 lbf/in2 and the condenser pressure is 1 lbf/in2 . For isentropic operation of the turbines and pumps, determine the efficiency of this cycle.