Lesson 2: consolidation activity
1. In the Opener, you may have noticed some unit rates. For example, you saw the rate of 2 bananas/1 orange and the
rate of 2 apples/1 bunch of grapes. A unit rate is a comparison of two measurements in which one of the terms has a
value of 1.
Consider the relationship represented on each scale. Describe each relationship as a rate, using the names of the fruits as the units.
a. The scale indicates that _____ strawberries balance _____ apple(s). Write this as a unit rate.
Unit rate: ________________________
b. The scale indicates that _____ limes balance _____ apple(s). Write this as a unit rate.
Unit rate: ___________________
2. Using the information from the two balances pictured in problem 1, write another rate. Sketch a new balance scale that represents this rate.
Unit rate: ___________________