The passage below makes a moral argument. In 2 - 6 short paragraphs, do the
• Put the argument into standard form.
• Identify what type of moral argument it is.
• Explain one possible objection to the argument. (Be sure you explain the
objection clearly and completely, and use the terminology we've been
learning. The objection should be good enough to be worth thinking about.)
• Evaluate the objection by explaining whether or not it succeeds in
undermining the argument. (Be sure you explain your reasons clearly and
completely and that you use the skills and strategies we've been learning. For
instance, if you're evaluating a disanalogy, explain how you'd do a relevance
test, etc.)
The passage: "If I had a vegetarian restaurant, you wouldn't expect me to be serving
meat to people. If they asked me to, I could refuse and it would be wrong for anyone
to punish me for it. And, that's no different than a pharmacy owner who refuses to
dispense the Plan B birth control pill. So, it would be wrong for the government to
punish a pharmacy owner who refuses to dispense Plan B."