One evening, Don was taking the garbage out, when he heard a noise. Turning, he saw a black and white creature lift its tail in his direction. Don felt antipathy toward the skunk because it sprayed him with a nasty smell.

What is the meaning of the word antipathy?

A) A feeling of relief after a period of stress
B) A desire to escape a difficult situation
C) A deep sense of dread and fear
D) A strong feeling against something

Respuesta :




antipathy means "a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion."

that's the only one that makes sense


D) a strong feeling against something


look at the context clues, do you really think that he'd feel relief if he got sprayed by a skunk. B, could work, but "he felt a desire to escape the situation towards the skunk" doesn't really fit, same thing with C, so D is the only one left, and, you could always look it up