Sometimes an organ can be replaced by moving it from one part of the body to another. This can be done, for example, to replace damaged skin or joints. In these cases: antigens would be generated against the transplanted organ. rejection of the transplanted organ would still be expected. antibodies would be generated against the transplanted organ. rejection of the transplanted organ would not be expected. immunosuppressant drugs would be required to prevent transplant rejection.

Respuesta :


rejection of the transplanted organ would not be expected


Transplantation refers to 1-the movement of an organ/tissue/cells from one part of a person's body to another part, and 2-the movement of an organ/tissue/cells from one individual (donor) to another individual (recipient). An autograft is a type of transplant by which a patient receives his/her own tissue. For example, a skin autograft consists of a patch of skin that is removed from one area of the body and transplanted to another body region of the same individual. Skin autograft is a relatively common transplantation process used to repair wounds and restore skin function. In rats, the mechanism of skin autograft rejection has been reported as uncertain. Moreover, transplant rejection is a natural mechanism by which the immune system of a person does not recognize the transplant as its own, thereby attacking the transplanted organ/tissue. The autograft rejection reactions are relatively uncommon but they depend on the type of organ/tissue/cells to be transplanted.