Respuesta :
Your urine can tell you a lot about your health and your habits. Urine is produced when blood passes through the kidneys, which filter out excess waste and water. This waste travels through tubes known as ureters and is stored in the bladder until you urinate.
Urine is roughly 95 percent water, and the rest is composed of thousands of compounds — both inorganic and organic — exiting the body.
Certain changes in your urine or urine habits, either during or after urination, may indicate that you have a medical condition. These signs often include:
Dark or discolored urine
Cloudy urine
Blood in urine
Frequency of urination
Pain during urination
The presence of abnormal amounts of certain chemicals, such as proteins, sugars, ketones, and others, can also help your healthcare provider diagnose and monitor various medical conditions.
Second option.
Food coloring can enter the blood stream and the kidneys' filter.
The "rare genetic condition" is most likely referring to Blue Diaper Syndrome, which is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder found in infants.