- Answer the following questions about what you learned about Brazil:
1 - In which portion of the land of America is Brazil located?

A) North America;
B) Central America;
C) South America.

2 - What is the Capital of Brazil?

A) Belo Horizonte;
B) Rio de Janeiro;
C) São Paulo;
D) Brasilia.

3 - Who is the current president of the country?

4 - Is Brazil considered a 1st world, 2nd world or 3rd world country?

5 - What is your opinion about the country?

6 - Mark V for True and F for False:

A) The most populous region in Brazil is the North region;
B) The population of Brazil in the year 2021 is 212 million inhabitants;
C) The largest region in the country is the South region;
D) Brazil is the 5th largest country in terms of both territorial extension and population.